Introducing Teens To Intentional Living

Introducing Teens To Intentional Living

I had the opportunity to host another Drug-Free pep rally for a junior high school in my hometown. This is the 3rd year that I’ve done it, and every year the coordinator brings different issues for me to speak about. This year I focused on:

intentionality + growth mindset

At first, I thought, “hmm… I have this word in my heart but, how can I break it down to them where they can understand it”?. Even as adults, intentionality is tough to understand. Am I truly walking, talking, and developing areas in my life in an intentional manner? Teens often think that any and EVERY thing that they do doesn’t matter because they are young, i.e. social media posts, etc… They rarely have long-term thinking.

A growth mindset, the “YOU CAN DO IT” concept! It FEELS so amazing to hear the concepts surrounding these principles. But, for the students that I serve, it’s not always easy to turn the light on when it comes to growing…believing…seeing…more or, better of & for themselves.

So, how can we introduce these concepts to our Teens? Here are a few tips that I use (and I did this with 200+ of them together, they loved it)


Six-Week Focus Worksheet

(email me if you would like the worksheets I created:

  • Introduce concept(s) to them
  • Introduce the possibility of “Transformation”
  • Tie in Actions/Decisions with Consequences/Outcomes (touch on the fact that consequences don’t always mean negative, they are the result of an action)
  • Reflection time
  • Weekly Accountability + Check-Ins